3 Ways to Create a Vision Board for Your Bucket List

4 min readJun 12, 2022

Writing out your bucket list is a challenging but enjoyable experience. However, even when it feels good to put a checkmark next to ones you take action on, a long written list of items may not feel inspiring or motivating.

Why not supercharge your bucket list experience by creating a vision board? A vision board is any sort of board on which you display images that represent your bucket list items — what you want to do, see and have in life.

Turning your bucket list into a vision board is a completely optional way to display it but it may be just what is needed to manifest all those juicy bucket list items.

Here are three ways to create a vision board for your bucket list…

1) Vision Board the Old-Fashioned Way

Grab a large piece of cardboard, a pair of scissors, a pot of glue and a bunch of magazines. Put aside an hour or a whole ‘crafternoon’ and create your vision board the old-fashioned way.

Go through the magazines and cut out any picture that resonates with you. Then when you have enough, place them all onto your large piece of backing cardboard and glue them down. There is no right or wrong with this — the pictures can have white space between them or can overlap each other, they could only relate to travel or be about anything on your bucket list and the vision board could contain words or just be pictures.

Sure, this will need some preparation and you may not find the perfect picture that represents an item on your bucket list, but these cons are outweighed by the fact that this is a hands-on fun way to create a unique vision board that brings your bucket list to life.

Pro tip — visit second-hand stores and grab stackfuls of old magazines for mere pennies.

2) Vision Board the Pinterest Way

Hop over to Pinterest and start pinning bucket list images to your heart’s content. What is good about Pinterest is you can create different boards for different areas of your bucket list — travel, things to buy, experiences etc.

The downsides to Pinterest boards are they never seem finished, plus they are hard to look at all in one space, but if you are a Pinterest fanatic, a bucket list vision board is a perfect addition.

Pro tip — view other Pinterest boards for vision board tips, inspiration and examples.

3) Vision Board the Digital Way

Use Canva or a similar online program to create a digital vision board. You can then search for and locate the perfect images that represent your bucket list items. Plus you can play around with how the images are set out on your digital board without getting glue everywhere.

There may be a learning curve to navigate Canva or other tech if you don’t already know how, but this can be a quick and easy way to create a vision board for your bucket list that truly resonates with you.

Pro tip — Take care with image ownership and copyright when downloading online pictures.

A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

Why not supercharge your bucket list by creating a vision board around it? You can create a vision board the old-fashioned way with magazine pictures, use Pinterest or create a digital vision board using Canva for example.

Once it is finished, you will want to display your bucket list vision board somewhere you will see it often. If you have created a physical vision board, stick it on a wall, put it in a large picture frame and place on a shelf or put it on the fridge.

For any of these three ways, take a photo or screenshot of your vision board and upload it so it becomes your computer screen saver or wallpaper on your phone. We look at our phones on average over 100 times a day, so your bucket list vision board will be reviewed, at least subconsciously, an enormous amount.

Choose to display your bucket list in a way that reflects you. The point is to not forget your bucket list. Look at it often. It will become more real the more you gaze at it and then you are more likely to take action with it. A vision board really will help you manifest your bucket list dreams.

Then one day in the near future, you could create a ‘vision board’ with photos of everything you have already checked off from your bucket list on it!

I would love to see your vision board. Please take a photo or screenshot of it and email it to me.




Julie is an author, speaker and mama of two beautiful, tiny humans. Connect with her at JulieSchooler.com and find out how to rediscover your sparkle today.