3 Kinds of Random Acts of Kindness to do on Random Acts of Kindness Day (or Any Day)There is one day in February each year where you are given the opportunity to demonstrate compassion and connect with others in a loving…Feb 7Feb 7
3 Revelations from 1,000 Sun SalutationsWhen I was in my late teens, I discovered yoga for the first time. I went with a friend to an inexpensive night school class where a tiny…Dec 10, 2024Dec 10, 2024
3 Ways Being a TV Extra Sparked My HappinessLast festive season my mother received a unique gift. It was a certificate that allowed the holder a visit to the set of the long-running…Oct 29, 2024Oct 29, 2024
3 Ways to Say NoI attended a live show with Oprah Winfrey a few years ago. She talked for almost three hours, imparting many life lessons and vibrant…Sep 17, 2024Sep 17, 2024
3 Surefire Ways to Enhance Your Happiness at the Happiest Place on EarthOur family has recently returned from a major bucket list destination and once in a lifetime vacation to Disneyland. It was a magnificent…Jun 3, 2024Jun 3, 2024
3 Convincing Reasons to Kick Off Your Bucket ListIt is not long until I will check off a major item that has been on my bucket list for over a decade — taking the kids to Disneyland.Apr 21, 2024Apr 21, 2024
3 Sparkle-Infused Challenges to Ignite Your YearI keep the eBook version of my book, Rediscover Your Sparkle, free all year round. One day I may charge a few dollars for it but for the…Feb 6, 2024Feb 6, 2024
3 Failures During 12 Months Without Social MediaAbout 12 months ago I broke up with Facebook. It was the last of the socials that still had a hold on me. Cutting ties with Facebook…Dec 3, 20231Dec 3, 20231
3 Things I Wish I Knew Before Creating My First Children’s Picture BookMany people are surprised when I tell them that creating my children’s picture book, Maxy-Moo Flies to the Moon, was more of a challenge…Oct 15, 20231Oct 15, 20231
3 Recent Self-Help Books that Everyone Must ReadSince breaking up with Facebook — and all social media — at the end of last year, I have made more time for my favorite pastime, reading…Aug 26, 2023Aug 26, 2023